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The Old World is Dying

One of the hardest lessons ive ever had to learn was the humbling of my idea of success. In 2018 I owned a local donut shop that was on track to make me a millionaire before the age of 40. But despite working my ass off for years in the industry making less than my staff, living in poverty and worrying each month if I would be able to able to keep the doors of my first restaurant open - you would think the success would have been a god send right? Absolutely not... I was still the same amount of worried it just transferred to other areas of my live, I found no fulfilment in the wealth after the initial high of feeling secure. This feeling perplexed me and sent me into a healing crisis for many years of bouncing from wealth to poverty again round and round on the hamster wheel of confusion. Now for astrological context I am a Taurus North node. Meaning this is my BIG alchemization in this lifetime to understand wealth, purpose and well being.

Living in poverty was just as painful as having lots of money but without any connection to the divine everything just felt like the same old hell. So what the fuck is success?

When scientists study the health of a culture in a Petri Dish they look at whether or not the micro organisms are hurting or healing. In a nurturing or healing culture they are in a constant state of creating. If they are suffering or toxic they are suffering, dying and do not create. I would say with a great deal of confidence that we are dying as a collective. Human beings as a culture have important needs that are extremely different from corporate capitalism.

In the world we live in with all the wealth, success and gadgets have we lost touch with what it even means to be human or have we succumb to a collective disease of greed, hyper individualism, competition culture, aggression culture - its all me vs you! And our younger generations are terrified of intimacy, they use sex, drugs, stimulation of our technology and everything in between to numb the hungry ghost.

Humans have existed on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years some say millions ( the number is debatable- this is indigenous wisdom not science)

For most of human history we have existed in communities where we spent most of our time together with our families in community, kids spend all day with parents and people needed to collaborate in order to survive and wealth and success was not measured by how much you accumulated and achieved rather how much you gave away and were in service. Collaboration nurtures cultures ... not competition

Our core needs based on human evolution are defined as the following:

  • Community

  • Contact

  • Collaboration

  • Connection

According to ancient ways children are born with essential needs that are crucial to developing in a healthy way. How many did you experience?

  • The core need to BELONG - where they feel safe and secure just because they exist. not because they have to work for love or prove anything to exist. Just because they belong

  • Children should never have to work and especially never have to work to make the relationship with their parents work in a healthy way. They shouldn't have to be GOOD, PRETTY , COMPLIANT, SMART - THEY SHOULD JUST BE!

  • The ability to experience all human emotions safely without judgement , the freedom to experience all of it without being told that any emotion including rage, anger and frustration are unacceptable. Reverence for all of the human voltage

  • The need for free spontaneous PLAY !! This is a human need we share with all other mammals. This has been proven to be far more effective learning than traditional school ever has. But traditional school was never actually meant to develop the human spirit for connection. It was developed to create good compliant workers... far from the needs of a healthy human spirit.

School is hell for anyone who senses this early on! Myself included!

Now as adults we start to develop different core needs from our child selves

  • Connection

  • Belonging

  • Meaning

  • Purpose

Deprive anyone of any of these core needs and they will suffer !

The amount of people dying in Western countries each year from overdoses and suic!de has surpassed all wars in the last 200 years combined. We are in a crisis and we are not reaching out to heal one another, as a collective we are still competing, comparing and keeping our motives selfish to protect ourselves from one another. These are deaths of despair. An emotion I became familiar with and became the loudest when I ( a kid born with odds against me born in a trailer park with a young single mom in survival mode) finally succeeded in the game of capitalism.

We have been imprinted and raised by capitalistic corps to fear each other. The school system (developed during the idustrial revolution by the Z!0nisr Rockefeller family) with its grading and competitive ranking system and the children's media focused on what will you be when you grow up - not how incredible you are right now is largely blame. They take the kids when they are still programming their reality which is the ancients say is from ages 0 - 7. We are in the care of Corrupt Guvnment from ages of 5 up!!

And we have been lied to. This is not normal or okay.

The z!onist owned mass media doesn't share good news. Is it not mostly propaganda and is deeply in favour of keeping us apart and afraid of each other. Look at the last 3 years especially and tell me I'm wrong. And if you still hate others because they chose differently from you for their own bodies (far left ideology), or if you hate the left because you got looped in to protecting your freedoms with the far right media you sir/ma'am have both been duped into the fear paradigm that keeps us all enslaved. Im sorry and there is nothing you have done to become unworthy of love. Repair starts now.

So how do we repair? How do respond to addiction culture?

How do we start preparing ourselves to provide children and adults with nurturing.

We need to see and understand first and foremost that the math isn't mathing anymore.

Seeing it is the first step and maybe the hardest! We don't want to believe we have been manipulated. Our indigenous brothers and sisters have been crying out for so many years for us to LISTEN to see how sick colonial culture is!

Listen to elders!

Listen to Indigenous wisdom and give back!

DECOLONIZE yourself... baby steps, it doesn't have to be all at once but I deeply know that the wisdom of ancients will re-orient us after this toxic culture finally eats itself alive and becomes to painful to bear. Ive reached my limit long ago.

Ask yourself how can you gift your inner child now all of those basic needs? (Journal Prompt)

  • How can you affirm you belong without having to earn it?

  • How can you learn about emotional intelligence and feel it all without judgement?

  • How can you gift yourself FREE CREATIVE PLAY - (scrolling doesn't count :) )

  • How can you stop harming yourself based on your looks, weight, status? and fully receive your birth right of knowing you belong and we need you.

Once those needs are met you will find yourself clear enough to be able to be of service to the world. Safety and belonging are so intertwined deeply and are nessecary in the quality of our giving! If we don't feel we belong we will work in ways that are pleasing to others, in competition and potentially harmful to the earth and each other. We are in survival not safety when this is the case.

Safety is repaired with a deep understanding of who we really are. Safety is located at the base of our spine and up to our belly button. The ancients call this the Divine Feminine or our internal Magnetic Principal. She is our leader and oracle, she is a sensation of openness and creativity. And she almost drowned. She informs our divine masculine seated in the Heart centre. He is our artist and architect - the heart who creates our reality with the rhythm of his song directed and led in trust of the feminine. When they admire each other we are in flow - affluence - carried by the universe. These internal lovers must admire each other and overcome their misunderstandings. Forgive for any wrong doing. This is a complex undoing but with enough dedication anyone is capable of achieving this DIVINE UNION. and expressing their DIVINE ADROGYNOUS. A lesson from our shamans and two spirit brothers and sisters.

And when we experience this divine union we are in service to our universe because we express the beauty of our genius as our prayer. We no longer need to find fulfillment outside ourselves when use experience the power of self reflective love, trust and surrender. The great shift in human consciousness is on our doorsteps. Will you hollow out your old ideas of what it means to be human or die with the old guard? Prophecy says you have a choice. Ill meet you there in the sacred in equal measure.

In the words of my teacher

I Love you Completely!





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